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Newsletter – December 2019

Teaching Meditation to Kids in Chicago Swiftly Reduced Crime and Dropout Rates Source: https://qz.com/432740/teaching-relaxation-to-at-risk-kids-could-lower-crime-and-dropout-rates/The motto “think before you act” may be more powerful than people think. In a working paper published by the US National Bureau of Economic Research this month, researchers found that a simple, cost-effective after-school program for Chicago high-schoolers focused on slowing down […]

Newsletter – November 2019

Seven Buddhist Beliefs that Make You Happy, according to Science Source: https://www.learning-mind.com/I always find it fascinating when new scientific discoveries prove things that religious and spiritual sources have been saying since time immemorial. Recently, science has found some interesting principles of happiness. And it turns out that they are pretty similar to Buddhist beliefs. I recently read an article by […]

Newsletter – October 2019

Benefits of Holding a Kathina Ceremony “Kathina” means “solid” or “unbreakable.” This Pali word indicates that the merits acquired by offering a Kathina robe are extremely powerful. Nagita Apadana, a scripture in the Tipitaka, notes that the Kathina offering is the highest meritorious deed one can perform in the sensual world. Why is Kathina offering […]

Newsletter – September 2019

The Buddha’s Analogy of Blind Men Touching an Elephant The Buddha, in principle, stayed away from arguing on metaphysical speculations, but most philosophers and spiritual leaders in his society did not. They argued with, confronted, and hurt their opponents in their habitual effort to demolish others’ speculative concepts. Consequently, the arena of religion and philosophy during […]

Newsletter – August 2019

Astonishing Things Meditation Can Do Among many other benefits, here are 4 of the astonishing things meditation can do, according to research:1. It can reduce crime rate in nearby areas You would be surprised, but it is true. Many researches have proved that, when a group of people continue to practice meditation, crime rate in […]